Yazdanpanah A, Ghasemi A, Siamian H, Javadian M. The Study of the Attributional Style of the Students Studying in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in 2008-2009. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2011; 21 (82) :84-88
Abstract: (15661 Views)
Background and purpose: Ïdentifying the students’ attributional style and helping them to be responsible and have a proper view is of critical importance which can lead them to achieve greater success and creativity. Çonsidering its significant role in being an active or a passive, and demotivated person, the present study was conducted in order to determine the attributional style of the students studying in Mazandaran Üniversity of Medical Sciences.
Materials and methods: This is a descriptive study conducted in Mazandaran Üniversity of Medical Sciences in 2008-2009 with the population of 2582 students on 343 male and 428 female randomly selected students. The data were collected using the Âttributional Style Questionnaire.
This is a descriptive study conducted in Mazandaran Üniversity of Medical Sciences in 2008-2009 on 343 male and 428 female randomly selected students among a population of 2582 students.
Results: The obtained data showed that 43.9% of the participants had internal, while 56.1% of them demonstrated external attributional style. Âmong the female participants, 42.3% used internal and the rest (57.7%) employed external attributional style, similarly, 45.8% of the male participants preferred internal and 54.2% of them tend to use external attributional style.
Çonclusion: Âccording to the results, the dominant attributional style of the participants is the external style which has a negative impact on their motivation, effort, and academic achievement which then, may negatively influence their success. Thus, it seems necessary to train them the coping strategies in order to reduce their external attributional style.