Volume 20, Issue 1 (Suppl 2011)                   J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2011, 20(1): 153-164 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghafari S, Mohammadi F. Concept Analysis of Nursing Care: a Hybrid Model. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2011; 20 (1) :153-164
URL: http://jmums.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-960-en.html
Abstract:   (32959 Views)
Background and purpose: Caring as the core concept of nursing, have been defined in different ways since the past, yet it remains an abstract concept in nursing practice. There are many discussions and challenges between scientists in nursing and so far few researches were carried out on this concept. The purpose of this study was to identify how nursing care is conceptualized by nurses in Iran, and to develop guidelines for clinical practice. Materials and methods: This study employed the hybrid model to define the concept of care through 3 phases. For the theoretical phase attributes of care were identified through a review of the literature (until 2011), and in depth interviews were conducted for the fieldwork to develop attributes from the data and to verify those identified from the literature review. In third phase attributes and final analysis of care were extracted from the first and second phase. Purposive sampling was done for 20 participants (16 nurses and 4 faculty members. Results: Core attributes of care include assessing patients' needs, altruism, duty responsibility, routine and participating in religious activities. However, core attributes of a good nurse who cares a patient includes creativity, responsibility, being decisive, capable of establishing effective relationship, and skillful in practice. Conclusion: It seems that the result of this study somewhat assisted in clearing the concept of care. This may result in providing the patients with care based on their needs, their satisfaction, professional development and reduction of health costs. Moreover, by identifying the facilitating and preventive factors, and the concept of care, nursing managers and instructors will be able to design and run their management and educational activities based on scientific findings which could provide the necessary conditions for learning and proper implementation of nursing care.
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Type of Study: Research(Original) | Subject: nursing

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